It was created to detect and read QRs 24/7. By the way, the app performs that overly quickly.
Why do you have to use a not effective program? Enjoy LuckyScan! We developed something truly splendid just for your needs!
Quick code scanning. The user will get all the info in a blink of an eye! In addition, it doesn’t matter, how visible the QR is.
There is a detailed history of scans/creatings added. You can find each one from a list - it doesn’t matter, how old is your code!
It can simply generate a code. You are able to create a QR for everything you wish in several seconds.
No long waiting period before the code will be created - you don’t have to wait for ages until everything will be finished.
There are no extra buttons placed. We added only necessary options and widgets not to annoy the user’s attention or mislead him.
Absolutely correct scanning. LuckyScan is a well-developed high quality app, thus you won’t face any mistakes or bugs for sure.
It was created to detect and read QRs 24/7. By the way, the app performs that overly quickly.
Why do you have to use a not effective program? Enjoy LuckyScan!